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Showing posts from January, 2013

3 Day Detox Cleanse

Are you interested in doing a 3 day detox cleanse ? More and more people are now looking for information on how to detox the body by following a brief detox plan. Short term detox diets are easy for anyone to follow and you will be removing harmful toxins that have accumulated throughout the year. Depending on how healthy your diet is you may only need to do this type of cleanse once a year. If you experience symptoms such as headaches, low energy, digestive problems or muscle aches it is the right time to cleanse your body. By changing your eating habits and eating only healthy foods your body will be able to detoxify more naturally. When you have too many toxins in the body your vital organs will not function properly and you will more likely get sick more often as your immune system will be weak because of the waste that has accumulated in your system.