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Showing posts from February, 2011

Heavy Metal Toxicity : What Symptoms To Look Out For

Heavy metal toxicity in the body can cause many health problems which you should be aware of. We are surrounded by many toxic substances every single day which can make use feel exhausted and tired. Some of the toxic substances that your body is exposed to are pollution, cigarette smoke, some cleaning products that contain a lot of chemicals and also car fumes. We may not be able to avoid these pollutants, it is important that we cleanse the body regularly and remove these toxins from the body effectively. Symptoms that you may experience when you have heavy metal toxicity in the body are usually headaches,dry skin,fatigue and stomach discomfort. There are many ways where you can cleanse your body and remove these harmful toxins such as going on a all natural diet, where you eliminate foods that contain high amounts of toxins such as processed foods. Another way to cleanse the body is to take a supplement that can remove these toxins from the body such as Zeotrex.